San Ramon therapist - specializing in Infertility

Shabnam Jesgar, LPCC - San Ramon therapist

More bad news.

You just don’t understand why you aren’t getting pregnant. You did everything right.

This is so unfair because it feels like everyone around you is getting pregnant easily. The clinic is suggesting trying another round but you are afraid. What if it doesn’t work? IVF was supposed to be a slam dunk.

Do you even want to try again? The pressure to keep going forward is as stressful as the treatments.

It feels like trying to get pregnant has taken over your life.

You have had to cancel travel plans to be close to the clinic during cycles, avoid drinking alcohol in case you are pregnant, and adjust your work schedule around fertility appointments.

This all feels like too much. You feel like your partner and family do not fully understand how hard this is and maybe it's time to talk to someone who really understands.

Does this sound familiar?

Hi. I am Shabnam I am a therapist who helps women struggling with infertility get their life back.

I have helped other women struggling with infertility. I am available for individual counseling in-person in the East Bay and online to anyone in California and Georgia. I also offer an infertility support group.

Curious if I can help you? Click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. If I am not the right fit for you, I can help you find someone else.

It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.